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Suicide Ali

[a=Suicide ali] is a japanese indie-rock, visual-kei, gothic band with an important touch of electronic music formed in 2004. The singer [a=Goshi (2)] has a distinctive vocal type. He can even sing opera like we can hear in the chorus of the song [r3919043]. They are singed with [l=Starwave Records]. The names come from the Arabic word "Ali" that means "perfect". So their name is really "Perfect Suicide". The guitarist [a=Yuu (2)] quit the band in 2009 and started his own band, [a=lix.] which have a lot of [a=Suicide ali]'s influence. (At least until the band became a pop-rock duo written "lix" instead of "LIX.".). Their sound had influenced a couple of new bands such as [a=D.I.D. (4)] and [a=Magistina Saga] who also entenred in the label [l=starwave records] and since that time, the [a=Suicide ali]'s guitarist, [a=Hiroshi (33)] made all the artwork for their albums. (He also made many of his own band's ones.). Their last album, [r=3984281], is the one with the most original and unique sound of all their albums.

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