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    Alexey Rodin - born on 16 August 1986. Better know as Hydrocore Wise, Adaptcore, Human Terminal and Sinexoid - is an electronic / experimental music artist of the undeground scene from Russia.

    "The musical hobby has appeared since my childhood where I was interested in non-standard music. At that time I had already experimented with a sound and on nerves for some people when I knocked iron sticks on metal sheet developing in skills of the drummer. Computer, mixer and another hardware at that time was impossible for me as this equipment was too expensive, tape recorder only that first thing what I used for record and play my creepy "drum set". Except it, many times I visited some places with my friends where I recorded sounds, like: atmosphere samples, industrial noise, voices. The records was usual on cassetes only for collection like "just for fun". Further, my parents have bought for me one more tape recorder, so, I began the severe experiments with hardware, began to mix my own recordings from old cassetes. It was really interesting. Analogue results was something like "Raw Noise", though all over I made usual Music Concrete maybe, when I don't know that it can be music in fact after all when I began learning radio noise. During many years I threw the music many times and started from zero (as usually), but the first opinion, that music "for what I live" has appeared for me when I have really decided to make the music, instead of to copy another's style. Having learned I tried something to make some theory of sound already on a computer from 1998. For the same moment all my last recordings from the past time has lost, unfortunately, some rather good tracks too. But it's not the main reason, most likely, I cannot throw it anymore."

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