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    Sidney Frey
    Sidney Frey

    Founder and original owner of Dauntless International and Dauntless International, home to Dauntless International Records, and pioneer in stereophonic recording..

    Sidney Frey began his career in the record business after World War II as a distributor of Jewish folk records. In the 1950's, he produced high fidelity records, with an emphasis on sound and sound effects. He was the creator of the first commercial stereo records, through Audio Fidelity.

    In 1957, Frey had used Westrex, a stereo disk-cutting system, to cut a stereo LP disk for release before any of the major record labels. This demonstration disc was introduced to the public on December 13, 1957 at the Times Auditorium in New York City (500 copies were pressed). Frey promptly released four additional stereo disks. The equipment dealers had no choice but to demonstrate on Audio Fidelity Records. Frey became known as "Mr. Stereo" during that era.

    Frey sold Audio Fidelity to Herman D. Gimbel in April 1964, and died of a heart attack on January 13, 1968.

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