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    Joy Winter
    Joy Winter

    Joy Dorris with Chris Marsh were asked to became the "faces" of Montreal disco act Lime performing their live P.A.s. This was done with the support and full knowledge of Lime's record company and management.

    After months of rehearsals the duo set off on tour to bring Lime live to fans around the world. Back then not many disco artists had record companies backing them up to rehearse then traveling with full bands. The duo went out with prerecorded music. However Chris Marsh and Joy Dorris sang the vocals live, this came naturally as they both had similar vocal ranges and styles. They can be seen on the cover of the Re-Lime-d / Angel Eyes (Dub Mix) 12", on the German copy of On The Grid (Remix) and probably one or two video clips.

    Joy Dorris later married John Luongo.

    Data provided by Discogs