The Gong Matrices band grew spontaneously out of a "let's just do it" jam at the 1999 Progressive Music Festival in San Francisco at which Gilli Smyth performed with Pierce McDowell, Aryeth and Stephen of the Bay area ensemble Azigza, and James Rotondi (Jettatura, Grassy Knoll, Mr. Bungle and Air). Due to the overwhelmingly positive response, they have reunited to do a number of gigs in California and New York. Their only album, issued in 2004 is a recreation of those original performances, with new lyrics.
CD, Album
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices
Gong Matrices