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    Dave Stewart
    Dave Stewart

    Dave Stewart (born December 30, 1950 in Waterloo, London, England) is an influential British keyboardist who played in 1970s progressive rock bands Uriel, Egg, Khan, Hatfield and the North, National Health and Bruford. In 1981 he teamed up with vocalist Barbara Gaskin to release a series of pop-based singles and albums. The Stewart / Gaskin partnership continues to the present day. During the 1980s and 90s he composed and recorded music for film and television, and more recently has created string and choir arrangements for contemporary progressive rock bands such as Porcupine Tree, Steven Wilson, Anathema, Opeth and Storm Corrosion. This is NOT the Dave Stewart from the Eurythmics. That is [url=]David A. Stewart[/url]. For the trombonist, see [a=Dave Stewart (2)]. For the trumpeter, see [a=Dave Stewart (3)]. For the backing vocalist, see [a=Dave Stewart (4)]. For the drummer, see [a=Dave Stewart (6)]. For the drummer (punk), see [a=Dave Stewart (7)].

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