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    Omara “Bombino” Moctar, whose given name is Goumour Almoctar, was born on January 1, 1980, in Tidene, Niger, an encampment of nomadic Tuaregs located about 80 kilometers to the northeast of Agadez. Bombino grew up during a time of political upheaval, fleeing w/ his family to Algeria in 1990. During this time Bombino picked up his first guitar, and after returning to Niger years later, began playing music professionally. His music is sung in Tamasheq and often address geopolitical concerns in Turag, and his electrifying jams capture the spirit of resistance and rebellion while echoing with guitar riffs reminiscent of fellow Africans Tinariwen and Ali Farka Touré as well as Jimi Hendrix, John Lee Hooker and Jimmy Page.

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