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    Berliner Philharmoniker

    Berliner Philharmoniker (Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra) - earlier known as Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester or Philharmonisches Orchester - is a German orchestra founded in 1882.

    Principal Conductors
    Ludwig von Brenner (1882-1887)
    Hans Von Bülow (1887–1892)
    Arthur Nikisch (1895–1922)
    Wilhelm Furtwängler (1922–1945)
    Leo Borchard (May–August 1945)
    Sergiu Celibidache (1945–1952)
    Wilhelm Furtwängler (1952–1954)
    Herbert von Karajan (1954–1989)
    Claudio Abbado (1989–2002)
    Sir Simon Rattle (2002–2018)
    Kirill Petrenko (2019-)

    There has officially been one name change. It took place gradually over a 37 year period where the official two names (and ANVs thereof) were used in parallel.
    First appearance of Berliner Philharmoniker was around 1929: [r24453419]
    Last appearance of Berliner Philharmonisches Orchester was in 1966: [r9117993]

    Data provided by Discogs