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Ελένη Βιτάλη

Eleni Vitali, Greek folk (dimotikó), laïkó, & éntekhno singer & songwriter of Romani origin. Born 13 September 1954 in Athens, Greece.

On 21 September 1974, she took part in the 13th Song Festival of Thessaloniki with the song "[r=5283927]".
Daughter of [a=Τάκης Λαβίδας] & [a=Λούση Καραγεωργίου]. In 1975, she married [a=Βαγγέλης Ξύδης] and, in 1976, gave birth to their son, [a=Νίκος Ξύδης]; they later divorced. Cousin of Χριστιάνα & [a=Βασιλική Λαβίνα] and aunt of [a=Γιώργος Σταμάτης] (Khristiana's son).

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