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The Majesticons

The Majesticons are: Hanifah Walidah as Madame Cha-Ching, Sun Singleton as Sun B, Leeza Jessie Peeterson as Tramenda, Queen of the Majesticons, Lehni Davies as Hampton Jitney, Jamal as Ivy League, Keith Ailer as Khaliq, Kitana as Cheetah Chinchilla, Teesha as Disasterous, Abyss as Premadon-A, Yazeed as Chubzee, Mike Ladd as Jay Wakowitz Esq., Jay Wakowitz as Trusticon Flowers, T. Kappa Fly & Sprinkles, Amala Mohammed as Kim Shimmer, Omega Moon as Tramenda Chile, L.I.F.E Long as The Dialecticon / Jiggaknight, EL-P as Jimmie, Vast Aire as Cherry, Tyren Allen as Insane Lee Smoov aka Hot Fry, Craig Knight as Night Lite, Murs as Murs, Toni Blackman as Toni Blackman & Mahogany Jones as Mahogany Jones

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