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    Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester
    Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester

    Swedish orchestra formed in 1967, when "Radioorkestern" and "Radiotjänsts TV-orkester" where merged. Often referred to as "Radiosymfonikerna".

    The original 7-piece ensemble called "Radiotjänsts Orkester" was founded in 1925 and lived on for just a few years before disbanding in the thirties when Radiotjänst, the Swedish national broadcasting company, instead chose to engage several independent orchestras in multiple cities for around 10 years, before founding "Radiotjänsts dans- och underhållningsorkester" in 1936. This ensemble gradually moved towards a more classical repertoire and changed its name to Radioorkestern in 1948. The other orchestra was founded as "Radiotjänsts Kabaretorkester" in 1945. After a number of name changes (briefly taking over the Underhållningsorkestern moniker) it was merged with Radioorkestern in 1967 to form Sveriges Radios Symfoniorkester.

    While not actual aliases for this ensemble, here are some links to previous incarnations: Radiotjänsts Dansorkester, Radiotjänsts Underhållningsorkester, Radioorkestern, Radiotjänsts Kabaretorkester, The Stockholm Radio Orchestra. Some of them have aliases in themselves.

    Data provided by Discogs