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Stockholms Studentsångarförbund

Swedish academic men's choir from Stockholm. In everyday life, the choir is called Studentsångarna or Stockholms Studentsångare.

They were formed in October 1905 (the choir counts today 1 November as the date of founding) and worked until 1915 under the name Stockholms Studentsångförbund. Academic male choir singing had previously occurred sporadically in Stockholm for a couple of decades. On special occasions, mainly the celebration of Walpurgis Night, male choir singers from the various universities gathered to perform first under the enthusiastic leadership of the regimental doctor Kull and later Calle Gentzel. At the Nobel Prize ceremony in 1909, such an ensemble appeared, and Calle thought that "no solemn gatherings should be held here, where there is singing, without us being present and singing". He would be right; over the years, the choir has performed at countless nobel parties, doctoral dissertations and other similar events and is frequently hired for such purposes even today.

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