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Spreu & Weizen

Spreu & Weizen is a Ger­man neo­clas­si­cal project founded in munich, june 2009 by Sig­nore Pal­adino. In the begin­ning, the group con­sisted of two mem­bers, Sig. P. and Hagalaz. After a slight change in style, embody­ing, amongst oth­ers, black metal, neo­folk and psy­che­delic ele­ments, first con­cert plans were made, and gui­tarist Chris T. as well as flutist Iduna T. and Albrecht (bass) joined the group in the fol­low­ing year and left in june 2011. After a song on the free down­load com­pi­la­tion “Trib­ute to the dead sol­diers Vol. II” and a track on the “Sturm­reif” com­pi­la­tion, pro­duced by Castel­lum Stoufen­burc, the early releases of a split Cd-R with Der Jäger and the first album “Gott Erhalt’s” on UFA-Muzak (Rus­sia) and Rem­i­nis­cences Pro­duc­tions (China) lead to sev­eral col­lab­o­ra­tions with a num­ber of other artists. Amongst oth­ers, a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Ger­man poet Uwe Lammla and Ger­man­mar­tial indus­trial project Von Thron­stahl, which was based on Lammla’s poem “Deutsche Pas­sion”, was received with great enthu­si­asm. The rapid sale of “Gott Erhalt’s” was the cause to work on a re-release (Roman Edi­tion) of the album with a bonus track on the label UFA-Muzak. In june 2011, their sec­ond album “Gott Vergelt’s” was released by Lichterk­lang with a lot of col­lab­o­ra­tion part­ners like Karma Marata, Art Abscons, Rose Rovine E Amanti and Von Thron­stahl. Espe­cially Josef Maria Klumb was a guest mem­ber on this album.A con­cert in Salzburg, Aus­tria, was can­celled by the orga­niz­ers ’cause of strain by antifas­cist move­ment and local news­pa­per pub­lish­ers. Just a few months after releas­ing their sec­ond album, the label Fronte Nordico (Rus­sia) pub­lished a Split-LP between Von Thron­stahl and Spreu & Weizen, called “Pan-European Chris­t­ian Free­dom Move­ment”. They col­lab­o­rated with Von Thron­stahl once again on their last album “Corona Impe­ri­alis” with a cou­ple of basic songs as a guest mem­ber, which was released by Trutzburg-Thule in octo­ber 2012. 2013 started with a exclu­sive remix called “Guer­ri­eri Impa­vidi” on Lupi Gla­d­ius’ album “Luca­nia” by Spreu & Weizen. At present, the group is work­ing on their third album, called “Gott Entflamm’s”. It will be released in end 2013. This CD will, once again, fea­ture sev­eral col­lab­o­ra­tions with inter­na­tional artists and the sin­gle “Gott Behüt’s”, which the­ma­tize the fall of jerusalem 1099 by chris­t­ian cru­saders. Besides this, the gui­tar player Raja Anak Mata­hari, Frater Occul­tus (synth and co-vocals) and M. (additional drums) joined the band in jan­u­ary 2013. The band is inactive since 2014 and it is unclear if the last recorded EP will ever be released.

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