Solid Eye formed in 1992, when ex-Monitor member, Steve Thomsen, joined forces with Rick Potts & Joseph Hammer, the "avant schmaltz" avatars behind Dinosaurs With Horns, a long lived experimental ensemble formed in 1982 whose penchant for unalloyed absurdity hit its nadir on their self titled 1983 cassette release. Potts & Hammer also briefly sojourned in the mid 80's in Steaming Coils, Medicine main man Brad Laner's post-Beefheart, post-Residents, post-Pere Ubu melange of madcap mutated pop structures, significantly contributing to their first LP "Never Creak," as well as improvising alongside Laner in Debt Of Nature. Tricking around in the DNA of sound, the fruit of their loins, a fusion of Thomsen's spectral otherworldly melodies and Potts & Hammer's inspired lunacy has produced a new species of experimental audio custom designed to ensnare your head in fertile webs of feverish delirium.