Silampukau Band Member : Kharis Junandharu (vokal/gitar), Eki Tresnowening (vokal/gitar) and rhesa (kontra bass) Silampukau is an indie folk band from Surabaya, Indonesia which was first formed in 2009. They play sad music with critical lyrics. The performances of the duo Kharis Junandharu and Eki Tresnowening are unique because almost all of the folk genre songs they bring are about Surabaya. Starting from social problems, the atmosphere of the city, to the female entertainers. The portrait of Surabaya in Silampukau's songs is not entirely sweet. They try to describe the form of the City of Heroes as it is. The hustle and bustle of the streets, the localization of Dolly (The Customer), the congestion of Jalan Ahmad Yani (Night Falls in Surabaya). In the midst of the current trend of Indonesian music towards pop and rock genres, Silampukau actually pursued the path of folk music. This, said Kharis and Eki, was made not without reason. "Due to the limited availability of electric guitars, it is difficult for us to play rock. With a hollow guitar, we then played folk,” said Eki. However, further than that, folk music is considered to have a wide space to explore. “Folk has a wider exploration potential than other genres, but that's for us. The exploration in question is in writing songs, not in the context of sound or anything else,” said Kharis.