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Rebecca Oswald
Rebecca Oswald

Rebecca Oswald is an award-winning U.S. composer with many areas of experience and excellence. Born in Oklahoma, she later moved to Colorado, then Texas. From 1981 to 1995 she worked as a solo pianist, accompanist, band keyboardist, and studio musician in Houston, Texas. In 1998 Rebecca earned her Bachelor of Music degree in Music Theory and Composition, summa cum laude, from Westminster Choir College of Rider University in Princeton, N.J., where she studied composition with Joel Phillips, Stefan Young, and Ronald Hemmel, and piano with Lillian Livingston. In 2001 she completed her Master of Music degree in Music Composition at the University of Oregon School of Music in Eugene, Oregon, where she studied composition with Robert Kyr and David Crumb, and was a graduate teaching fellow in aural skills and keyboard skills. From 2002-2004 Rebecca was on the music faculty at the University of Oregon, teaching advanced aural skills, an orchestration seminar, and a composition class. Since 2004 she has been a freelance composer residing in Oregon. From 2005 to 2009 Rebecca was the Music Director at the Tango Center in Eugene, Oregon, playing live music for the dancers once or twice every month, often with ensembles and guest artists; and from 2007 to 2015 she served as a choral scholar at St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Eugene.

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