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    Oranžās Brīvdienas
    Oranžās Brīvdienas

    Oranzas Brivdienas (OB or Orange Holidays) is a Latvian TurboFolk band who mixes ska, reggae, metal, rock, disco with some folk elements in a cocktail full of positive energy, formed by songwriter Speiss (Ints Kergalvis) on March 2000 in his hometown Kuldiga, Latvia. At the beginning local friends and musicians were invited, but then members and music style changed until in 2005 the band became in it’s this time vision. Today OB is: Speiss – acoustic guitar, lead vocal, music and lyrics; Raitis – bass; Chakste – rhythm guitar, mandolin; Andzabrals – lead guitar; Kalja – trombone; Max – trombone; Ricis – saxophone; Brunis – Trumpet Jeska – drums; Band has played almost in all music clubs and festivals in Latvia and have toured several times through Europe with shows in Lithuania, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Germany, Netherland, Belgium, France and Chech Republic. On spring 2011 OB digitally released first full album “Everybadi Tancevak” of best songs recorded until 2011. Album is downloadable from On spring 2012 OR released album “Spīd” under Naba Music / Melo Records. In 2015 OB released album “Tilti” under Naba Music / Melo Records. OB concerts usually are full of positive, powerful and screaming energy. This is a real live band from Latvia. No show can be the same as Latvian turbofolk. Hope to meet you in real show! E-mail:

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