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    One Eyed God
    One Eyed God

    Hailing from the north west of England, ONE EYED GOD have been causing a stir throughout the alternative UK and European festival scene. Combining their highly entertaining, energy filled blend of punk/folk/ska/dub with an anything goes attitude, it's delivered with a full-on, highly charged wall of sound performance. Their latest offering 'A Land Fit For Heroes' tells tales of deprived industrial towns forgetten by bullshit government policy, painting a harsh and grim picture of a reality most choose to conveniently ignore. Recorded by Andy Dazzler (Dead Neck) at Through the Roof studio, he has produced what is, without a doubt, ONE EYED GOD's finest recording to date. Standout tracks are surely the barn-storming, beer-slinging 'Break of Dawn', and the absurdly manic ska floor filler 'Gummy Cat'. Always moving onward but never forgetting their dirty old town roots, this is ONE EYED GOD!

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