Teatro Mágico (OTM) is a Brazilian musical group formed in 2003 in the city of Osasco, São Paulo, created by Fernando Anitelli. The Magic Theater is a project that brings together elements from the circus, theater, poetry, music, literature, politics and popular song making it possible to bring together different artistic segments in the same presentation.
He has five studio albums: Entrada para Raros, O Segundo Ato, Sociedade do Espetáculo, Grão do Corpo, and in 2016, "Allehop", in addition to some DVDs and live albums.
The songs are inspired by the works of Hermann Hesse, a German writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature who presented the concept of magic theater in his book O Lobo da Estepe. The members of the troupe present themselves with make-up and clown dresses. They use guitars, guitars, bass, percussion and drums. There are five musicians and three artists / performance dancers.