This is what this funeral doom metal band from Finland says about themselves: [i]Formed in the past, had members who make no difference whatsoever. (...) Support the destruction of yourself and listen to Night Must Fall, take the blade, make it count! "Self improvement is masturbation. Self-destruction is... "[/i] Well, here are some hard facts: Formed in Helsinki in 2003 they released a selftitled demo in 2003 and a limited to 24 copies cassette called "Funeral Of Mankind" on Evil Cunt Prod. in 2004. Both of these were compiled and re-released on CD in 2005 on Endless Desperation Prod. Their first vinyl, "Dissonance Of Thought" appeared as a first production on the label [l=Rusty Crowbar] in 2007. Current members: (July 2007): J. Heikkilä - Vocals, Guitar, Bass A. Laakso - Drums Dan Vaaranen - Synth Former members: Pekka Johansson - Bass Janne G'Thaur - Bass J. Hanhela - Vocals Jarno Nurmi - Guitar