A solo Project from Mexico City founded by Fernando Vaugier with principal influences in the Post-Punk, ColdWave, electronic sounds and an extensive quantity of genres adapted to the expression of a dark and cold sound, with the typical characteristic of sudden changes of sound from one track to another, Mementut takes the visualization of the politics as a subject matter, the wars and the religion in the mind of a human being with mental illnesses and / or psychological damages, an attachment to topics related to conditions like autism, sociopathy, psychopaty and the bipolarity, the love/hate towards the God's darkness, the unstable meditation to reach the peace in a place without light or hope, the one that only the doomed individuals can perceive in their emotions, Mementut is a word of created by a combination between the words "Memento" (I remember - in Latin) and "Tot" (dead - in German) taking "Mímentut" as a pronunciation for spanish, slightly similarly referring the phrase "Memory of something dead " used as the first idea for his creator to refer to the last recollection or image that a person can have of before dying in a former life, and like a second attempt to name that shaded emotion that only the lost souls can feel, the part "tut" (Tot) also takes as a reference the name of the Egyptian God, a relation and similarity exists also in certain ideologies with the term(end) "shade" used in the psychology and in turn polysemic in an adjective to mention a person with many strength after cruel feelings and experiences, being able to exist multiple examples as adjective in a phrase but the major one being able to be: " You are Mementut, you resist in front of the fury of God "
Sector Industrial Producciones
2xCD, Comp
Not On Label
CD, Album
Do What Thou Wilt Records
34xFile, MP3, Comp, 320