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    Melotia is an LA based hard rock band that formed in August 2004 when singer/guitarist Ryan David parted company with his Australian group 'In The Name Of'. Having arrived on US shores from Sydney Australia just 9 months earlier, RD suddenly found himself homeless with no band, no money, no job and few friends. "I had a bag of tattered clothes, 2 guitars and an amplifer all packed into a rapidly deteriorating 1982 Dodge Van that I was basically living in at the time." RD immediately set about putting together a new band. Dustin Partin had moved from Pueblo Colorado in March 2004 to study drums at the Musician's Institute in Hollywood. Having befriended RD after working with his band on several shows, Dustin was the ideal drum candidate for Melotia. The two immediately set about auditioning guitarists and bassists, having no luck until May 2005. Enter Nick Booker from Riverside, California. Booker, formerly of Shatter, had just parted with the latter and had heard about Melotia through a friend. Shatter had shared the stage with RD's former band on many occasions. One thing lead to another and within days, Booker found himself in Melotia's LA rehearsal space. Recognizing their unique chemistry, the trio immediately began writing and auditioning bass players. Melotia set about recording a 10 song demo in November 2005 whilst hunting for a bass player. The following year would prove to be an extremely difficult year for the band, faced with everything from lost recording files to the loss of loved ones. As 2006 was coming to a close, so to was Melotia's recording. As copies of it began floating around, one landed in the hands of John Maryanski, also from Riverside California. After hearing Melotia's music and learning that the band was without a bass player, John immediately stepped up. And the rest, as they say, is history… Melotia pride themselves on the raw energy of their live show. "We write music and lyrics based on honesty and truth. There are no gimmicks.", says frontman RD. "We've all been through a lot and it shows in our live show…". What you see is what you get and what you get is honest, in-your-face hard rock music.

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