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    Swedish punk rock supergroup formed in 1993. The band consists of musicians who are also singers and frontmen in their main bands. In 1993, Curt "Curre" Sandgren, frontman of the punk band Coca Carola, contacted four other singers and songwriters with the idea of ​​creating a new music group, and after a meeting at Kafé 44 in Stockholm, Krymplings was formed. The line-up, which still exists, was Ulke from Dia Psalma on guitar, Per Granberg from Charta 77 on guitar and bass, Curre from Coca Carola on guitar, Mongo from Köttgrottorna on bass and Mart Hällgren from De Lykliga Kompisarna on drums. The band's name is a drift with the band Grymlings who were a collection of more established musicians first put together for a TV recording. Krymplings released their first record in 1994 on Beat Butchers Records, although the band members also partly belonged to Birdnest Records.

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