King Seven entered this world 23 years ago as the slightly more humble James Hoffmann. Growing up in Cumbria where watching the rain is considered a suitable past-time for a young lad, the young princeling retreated into his own head where the strange sounds he heard offered some respite from the constant deluge. Escaping to Leeds, a city famed for it’s sunny climes, James buried himself in the cities gambling scene, working night shifts as a croupier, eventually battered by watching bitter men win and lose a year’s worth of salary on the turn of a card, James began plotting. Having left the confines of a proper group, James began experimenting with broken sound machines, battered music boxes abandoned by previous owners for the latest digital gadgets, slowly his make shift studio took shape. Unloved vintage wireless’s sat comfortably next to beaten up guitars and the sort of computer beloved of 1980’s BBC ‘How…’ programmes, it was the chance find of a Akai s-950 in a bin behind a seedy local music venue that finally completed the jigsaw. All that was needed now was a lucky break. Of course we all create our own luck, and for an accomplished croupier and card shark there are ways and means to engineer a successful day at the races. So with pockets full of old men’s money, James decided that he’d probably outstayed his welcome in Leeds. Packing his makeshift studio into the back of the wagon, James headed south to London. A quick name change later, and King Seven emerged, fresh faced and eager for action. A hook up with the fledgling Camshot label resulted in a quick deal and the soon to be released 12” Hidden / Brittle / Simple Folk / Snowfall pt1 (released May 03) and his remix of rising Ninja Tune/Hombre star Hint’s ‘Hinterlude #1’ has been picked up by Deep Water recordings for a spring release. 2003 should finally see the King take his throne with admirers in high places and his first full forays into bringing the King Seven sound to the stage, everything is set for this brilliant new artist to build on his already considerable achievements.
Camshot Records
Uncharted Audio
10xFile, MP3, 320
CD, Comp
Need No Water Records
7", EP
CD, Comp
Boomkat Selected Mixtapes
CDr, Mixed, Mixtape
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven
King Seven