Japanese Kanji name: 熱田公紀 Kana name: あつたきみのり English name: Kiminori Atsuta 1955年、東京生まれ。4歳よりピアノを始める。13歳より和声学・対位法を土肥泰氏に師事。中学・高校では吹奏楽部でトランペットを、獨協大学(外国語学部卒業)ではオーケストラ部でホルンを担当。また同大学のビックバンドでピアノを弾く傍ら作・編曲を手がける。その後渡米し、バークリー音楽大学 Jazz Composition and Arranging科を卒業。 帰国後、ポリドールよりソロピアノアルバム “Crystal Stream”と“Childhood’s Memory”をリリース。NHKテレビ「大黄河」の作・編曲を宗次郎とともに手がける。 現在、(財)ヤマハ音楽振興会でのテキスト制作、吹奏楽の“New Sounds In Brass”の編曲、ビッグバンドの作・編曲、昭和音楽大学等での後進の指導などの他、ピアニストとしてコンサートやライブ等で活躍中。 Japanese male new age solo pianist, composer, musician and arranger. He received a classic piano lesson from 5 years old and master a trumpet in junior high school. He was excellent enough to receive a scholarship as a special student. He joined jazz big band at the college and was in college in charge of the horn. After graduating from college, he entered the famous music scholl Berkeley conservatory in Boston, east coast of the United States. And studied jazz and composition In Berkeley, he was recognized as an exceptional student. After returning to Japan, he has been active in various fields as an arranger, composer and musician. He once produced the famous new age pure instrumental piano song "Childhood Memory" (童年) and released his second neo-classical solo studio album of the same track name ([m1622601]) in 1986 by Japanese new age music label [l262791]. (The first one is [m1131050]). Other well-known new age music artists and groups such as [a=Sojiro] and [a=Bandari] have adapted and rearranged his original melody and made his work widely known.