Formed: 1983 (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) - Disbanded: 1987. Initially formed as "Pleasant Time Trio" to the occasion of raising the curtain for a performance of jazz artist "George Adams And The Don Pullen Quartet". "K.I.E.M." is an abbreviation of "Klank Improvisatie Elektronische Muziek" (Sound Improvisation Electronic Music). Their immediate success led to performances on jazz, rock and experimental stages and festivals (Tegentonen, North Sea Jazz, Pandora's Music Box) and modest dance-hits in the Netherlands. Most remarkable about Kiem is Cees Meurs' metal drum-kit consisting of oil-drums, garbage bin, anvil, anchor-chains and other remains from the wrecked tow-boat "Corrie". This drum-kit –played like normal drums– accompanied by a squeaking saxophone (Ger Van Voorden), a synthetic keyboard and proclaiming vocals (Huub Kentie) result in a sound that might be type-casted as industrial, but also has jazz and experimental characteristics. Ger Van Voorden left the band in 1986 to play with poet/drummer Jules Deelder. He was replaced by Jos Valster. Growing into a more popular sound, bigger succes followed in Southern Europe (The Moneyman, 1987).