Speed/Thrash Metal band from England. Active from 1994, 2006-2010, 2011-2012, 2015-2016, 2020-present Originally a short-lived high school band which played only one, 3-song gig, H.O.D. reformed in 2006. H.O.D. make their albums available for free download and distribute free CD-R versions of the albums as well as producing full retail versions for regular sale. They also encourage the free online distribution of their music.Put on hold "for an indefinite amount of time" in October 2010. They returned to activity in May 2011 and recorded demos for a new EP, but split up again in 2012.
CD, Comp, Promo
Soyuz Music
CD, Comp
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death
Hospital of Death