Ska/Jazz trumpet player. Graduate of the Stony Hill Approved Industrial School in Jamaica. Classmates included Roland Alphonso, Mickey O'Bryan, Cluet Johnson and Lloyd Mason. Joined the Eric Deans band, which included Don Drummond and Ernest Ranglin, and toured with them to Haiti and Guyana. After Deans, Frank was a member of Byron Lee's Dragonaires. He played and arranged on the LP Many Moods Of Lee. In the 1960s, Frank performed and recorded with the musicians who became the Skatalites on "Musical Storeroom," "Feeling Fine, "Santa Lucia," "Exodus," "Peanut Vendor," "Wheel & Turn," "Ska Ba," and "King Solomon," at least. He later emigrated to the US and had the band Frank Anderson & The Super Stars which played the Tri-State area around New York City in the 1970s. Anderson was employed at the Queens General Hospital for over 25 years.