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    Fekade Amde Maskal
    Fekade Amde Maskal

    Ethiopian-Eritrean saxophonist and bassist, aka Fekadu Abdemeskel and Feqade Amdemesqel.

    He grew up in Asmara and started with Police Orchestra. He soon moved to Addis Abeba where he was the drummer for the legendary Soul Ekos Band. He then went on to play with Mahmoud Ahmed's Ibex Band which disbanded in 1979 after the Derg revolution. He stayed in Ethiopia and formed Roha Band together with some of his Ibex partners. He left the Roha Band in 1989 or 1990. Before he was forced into exile in 1998, he owned and managed Ghion Music and Video Shop and Ghion Photo. Today he lives in the United States.

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