Fashion Flesh is based in Bay city, USA., he makes his own equipment, oscillators, generators, sound toys, and modulators. He is a true electronic sound experiment. He should have been in the Radiophonic Workshop, but he was in the wrong place, wrong decade. [Ann Shenton] Fashion Flesh is the solo-output moniker of John Talaga. John is known for his "off the grid" approach to music and has also worked with artists like Matmos, [a=Electrosexual], Cornelius, Stereo Total, TSR 80 and [a=Momus]. Most all of the instruments used to perform, produce, remix and record are self-built electronics...those that are not built from one's own design are heavily modified beyond audible recognition or return. No sampling/stolen sound is ever used or sucked from outside pre-existing sources. No laptop gimmicks, instead tape manipulation and hard copy soft-synths or plug-ins, no laptops at all but rather analog devices that are built for specific purpose and dis-purpose.