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    Demon Boyz
    Demon Boyz

    Classic London (Tottenham based) hiphop group who gained massive respect for rapping with their true accents back when most were imitating US rappers. Members are Mike J (aka Million Dan, born in Jamaica), Demon D (Almshouse Demon) and DJ Devastate.

    At the ages of 14-15 the Demon Boyz performed at the Rebel MC's Beat Freak gigs. Their first slice of fame was on the Dave Pearce Radio London Rap show when they won a competition rapping down a phone, and the prize was to do a live session for the show. They won the overall competition and performed alongside Derek B, Faze One and T La Rock at Camden Place, where Derek B put them in contact with undefined.

    In June 1989, the UK magazine Hip Hop Connection reported that their debut album [m190432] was to be released in the United States and South America via undefined but that failed to happen and it has remained a UK and European release only.

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