Tunesmiths and guitar virtuosos are a dime a dozen. Rare is the musician who manages to be both. Rarer still is the guitar wizard/tunesmith who also happens to be a mature songwriter whose songs resonate with authentic, soul-stirring emotion. Brian Deer is that rare animal. He bleeds into his songs. If you listen closely enough, you may even hear the vein open. That’s not to say that he makes a show of his feelings. His songs reveal their beauty gradually. The more often and more carefully you listen, the more you’ll hear. And feel. Someone once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. That person was right. So take my advice: Just listen to The Right Direction. Then listen again. And again. Even if you don’t hear the vein open, you’ll definitely hear the blood flow. — by Matt Gonzales
Not On Label
CD, Promo
Not On Label
CD, Album
Magnet Magazine
CD, Comp, Smplr
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer
Brian Deer