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    Backyard Babies
    Backyard Babies

    Four-piece rock band from Nässjö, Sweden, formed back in 1987 as [a=Tyrant (30)]. They renamed in 1989.

    They are currently based in Stockholm, Sweden.

    After releasing their debut EP in 1991, “Something To Swallow” and their 1994 full-length entitled “Diesel And Power” guitarist Dregen started to work with The Hellacopters as well. Upon recommencing in 1998, the Backyard Babies released “Total 13”, 2001’s “Making Enemies Is Good” and 2003’s “Stockholm Syndrome”. “Making Enemies Is Good” and “Stockholm Syndrome” both earned Backyard Babies a Swedish Grammy and a personal nod from Velvet Revolver as well as AC/DC to open their European tours.

    Backyard Babies are:
    Nicke Borg – lead vocals / guitar
    Dregen – lead guitar / vocals
    Johan Blomquist – bass
    Peder Carlsson – drums

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