Swedish singer, songwriter and keyboardist, born on April 28, 1975 in Södertälje. He began his musical career at the age of 3 when he started playing accordion and piano. Not long after that he began writing his own music. He found his musical style early on, largely thanks to his parents’ record collection, which included everything from soul, funk, blues, rock, gospel and country. He listened, studied, and learned these different genres and taught himself how to play in all these styles. This formed the basis of his musical direction. While still in school, he played with various bands, which was where he began to utilize and develop his unique singing voice. When he was 16 he started getting musician and vocal gigs in Stockholm and since then has played in many different ensembles, bands and other music-related connections. He started focusing on songwriting after meeting songwriter/producer Brian Hobbs, EIDOLON PRODUCTIONS. They started collaborating and this collaboration has resulted in many songs in various styles and genres, as well as co-productions and a good friendship. In 2002 Andreas was awarded a grant from the Swedish Performing Rights Association, STIM (Svenska Tonsättares Internationella Musikbyrå). Currently, he is working full-time with music and runs his own company, Andreas Aleman Music.