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Μανώλης Αγγελόπουλος

Manolis Angelopoulos was a Greek laïkó singer, composer & lyricist of Romani origin. He occasionally played bouzouki and guitar. Born 8 April 1939 in Agios Athanasios, Drama, Greece - Died 2 April 1989 in London, England, UK.

At the urging of his cousin Ανέστος Αθανασίου, who played bouzouki in the orchestra of Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης, and the encouragement of the songwriter Θεόδωρος Δερβενιώτης, he decided, at the age of 17, to take up singing professionally. During the 1960s, he became more widely known as he sang songs about refugee Hellenism and exotic places. His music was influenced by Greek laïkó and Arabic music, while he was mainly an exponent of tsifteteli. During his career, he collaborated with many important songwriters of Laïkó songs. To his credit, he had dozens of appearances in films and revues, while he held many concerts abroad, where there were Greek immigrants.
He spoke 5 languages fluently: Sindhi, Greek, English, German and French.
In 1966, he married a native Greek woman, Αννούλα Βασιλείου, who was also a singer. They had three children: Ηλίας Αγγελόπουλος, Στάθης Αγγελόπουλος, and Maria, whose godfather was Stelios Kazantzides. They divorced after 13 years of living together (they lived together from the early 1960s; their firstborn child, Elias, was born during a tour in Montreal, Canada, before they got married). In 1985, he married his second wife, the singer Konstantina.

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